Ramadan is a thirty day period of spiritual renewal for all Muslims coinciding with the rise of a new moon and ending with the full moon. Ramadan is a time for reflection on things they have done in the last year that were not pleasing to Allâh and they are a cause for repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allâh. The diligent and careful practice of fasting according to the rules of Islâm ,show Allâh the intention of the heart of the sincere Muslim to gain Allâh’s favour and forgiveness. It coincides with the month Muhammed started receiving the Qur’an. Fasting during this month disciplines the followers of Muhammed to fast and pray during the daytime and feast at night time. The Night of Qadr comes during this time and Muslims are inspired to prepare spiritually for this event. Muslims believe that The Night of Qadr is a time when they may receive a revelation from Allâh and their sicknesses will be healed. There is a significant expectation by Muslims that in the last ten days of ramadan and particularly on the night of power (Lailat al-Qadr) that they will receive a special blessing from Allâh and even an encounter with an angel or a prophet. Some Muslims later testify to these supernatural encounters, dreams, visions and healing during their prayers or sleep on this special night.
At the end of Ramadan Muslims have a period of celebratory feasts to mark the end of the old and the beginning of the new year. Muslims usually wear new clothes during this time to outwardly signify the renewal of their faith and submission to Allâh.